Gallstone: Type, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention - Healthians (2024)

Healthians Team

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What are Gallstones?

The Gallbladder is a small organ located under the liver. Gallstones form in the gallbladder. These are not real stones but are pieces of solid material that form in the gallbladder.

They are two main kinds of Gallbladder stones.

  • Cholesterol Stones: These are the most common ones and account for 80% of the gallstones.
    Colour: These are usually green –yellow in colour.
  • Pigment Stones: They are made up of bilirubin which is made of bile, a fluid produced by theliver and stored in the gallbladder.
    Colour: These stones are dark in colour.
    Size: Small in size.

Understanding 5 F’s of Gallbladder Stones

The 5 F’s of gallbladder stones are the best way to understand your risk factor of getting gallstones. The 5 F’s are:

  • Female: Gallbladder stones are more common in females as compared to men because of the high levels of oestrogens.
  • Fat: Being overweight or obese or losing fat too quickly can lead to gallbladder stones. The reason behind this is over-weight people have more cholesterol in their bile, which leads to theformation of gallstones.
  • Fertile: Pregnant females have higher levels of hormones or oestrogens, which increase the risk of gallstones.
  • Flatulence: People who regularly pass flatulence are at a higher risk.
  • Forty: Forty’s are menopausal time for a woman which brings in spikes of estragon levels, leading to increased chances of gallstones. For men, a drop in physical activity and improper diet adds to their risk factor.

Common Causes of Gallstones

The other common causes of gallstones are:

  • A diet that is rich in fat or cholesterol
  • Rapid weight loss within a short period of time
  • Low fibre diet
  • Suffering from Diabetes mellitus
  • Family history of Gallstones
  • Suffering from Liver cirrhosis
  • Having medications for lowering cholesterol
  • Having medications that have a high estragon content

Symptoms of Gallstones

Gallstones are called “silent stones” because they mostly show no symptoms. Many people who have gallstones are completely unaware because of this. Only when the stones block a bile duct, causing an intense pain, do people come to know of gallstones. On the other hand, few people do experience gallstone symptoms. The most common symptom which patients experience is apain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. The pain can radiateto the back or right shoulder or shoulder blade. The other common symptoms are:

  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Digestive problems like bloating, indigestion and heartburn and gas
  • Clay coloured stools
  • Yellowish tint on the skin or eyes, indicating jaundice
Gallbladder Attack

This occurs when there is an intense gallstone pain. This extreme pain can lastmore than one to two hours. This pain occurs not because of the presence of stones but is caused when the gallstones block the movement of bile from the gallbladder and this usually does not happen overnight. Gallstones move slowly.

Diagnosis of Gallstones

The first approach for management of gall stones is “wait and watch”. The gallstones diagnosis starts with a physical examination, which includes checking the eyes and skin for any visible changes. After this following testsare performed:

  • Blood Test: This is performed to check for any signs of infection or obstruction, and to rule out other conditions. A blood test is also done to measure the amount of bilirubin in the blood. Healthians can help you in getting a blood test done at the comfort of your home.
  • Ultrasound: USG helps in getting the images of the stomach, hence providing a confirm diagnosis.
  • Abdominal scan: This is an imaging test which takes pictures of the liver and abdominal region.
  • Gallbladder Radionuclide Scan: This is scan takes about one hour to complete. This is performed by injecting a radioactive substance into the veins. This substance travels through the blood to the liver and gallbladder, highlighting any infection or blockages in these organs.
Treatment of Gallstones

Once a confirm diagnosis is made, we move towards the treatment part. Most of the patients go for a surgery, which is two different types:

  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: This is the most common procedure which is performed. In this procedure, the surgeon passes instruments, a light, and a camera through several small incisions made in the belly. With the camera attached, the doctor can view the inside of the stomach.
  • Open cholecystectomy: In this procedure, the surgeon makes a big cut in the belly to remove the gallbladder. The patient needs to stay in the hospital for a few days after the operation.
Prevention of Gallstones

Following steps can be followed to prevent gallstones:

  • Diet: A healthy diet, which includes increased intake of fibre, fresh fruits and vegetables, is the best approach for the prevention of stones.
  • Avoid crash diets or low intake of calorie
  • Lose weight
  • Regular exercise

The first step in the prevention of gallstones is a change in the diet plan and losing weight, slowly but surely.

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gallbladder, gallstones, prevention of gallstones, risk factors

Gallstone: Type, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention - Healthians (2024)


What are the 4 types of gallstones? ›

Depending on the etiology, gallstones have different compositions. The three most common types are cholesterol gallstones, black pigment gallstones, and brown pigment gallstones. Ninety percent of gallstones are cholesterol gallstones. Each stone has a unique set of risk factors.

What is the treatment or prevention for gallstones? ›

There's no proven way to prevent gallstones, but eating a well-balanced diet, maintaining a normal weight, and exercising regularly (at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week). Avoiding fatty foods won't prevent or get rid of gallstones, but it may reduce the frequency of attacks.

What are the 5 F's of gallstones? ›

Risk Factors. Classically the common risk factors for gallstone disease are colloquially described as the “5 F's”: Fat, Female, Fertile, Forty, and Family history.

What are the 5 F's in medicine? ›

The five Fs were a mnemonic device that healthcare providers used in the past to memorize common risk factors for gallbladder disease. The five Fs were: fair, female, fat, fertile and 40. They were based on statistics, but they are controversial today because they add up to a kind of stereotype.

Can gallstones go away without surgery? ›

Gallstones won't go away without treatment. Gallstones can sometimes come out in your poop, but it won't be all of them. Even if your provider removes a gallstone from your bile duct, there will be others left behind, and you can get new ones. Gallbladder removal is the only way to make them stop for good.

Which gallstones require surgery? ›

The usual treatment for gallstones is surgery to remove the gallbladder. Doctors sometimes can use nonsurgical treatments to treat cholesterol stones, but pigment stones usually require surgery.

What are signs that you have a bad gallbladder? ›

  • Jaundice.
  • Dark urine, lighter stools or both.
  • Rapid heartbeat and abrupt blood pressure drop.
  • Fever, chills, nausea and vomiting, with severe pain in the upper right abdomen.

What is the most painful condition of gallstones? ›

Gallstones don't usually cause any symptoms. But if a gallstone blocks one of the bile ducts, it can cause sudden, severe abdominal pain, known as biliary colic. Other symptoms may develop if the blockage is more severe or develops in another part of the digestive system.

What are gallstones a warning of? ›

A gallstone can cause a blockage in the pancreatic duct, which can lead to inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). Pancreatitis causes intense, constant abdominal pain and usually requires hospitalization. Gallbladder cancer. People with a history of gallstones have an increased risk of gallbladder cancer.

What is 5f biliary colic? ›

Abstract. Background: The time-honoured mnemonic of '5Fs' is a reminder to students that patients with upper abdominal pain and who conform to a profile of 'fair, fat, female, fertile and forty' are likely to have cholelithiasis.

What are the 5 F's? ›

The freeze, flop, friend, fight or flight reactions are immediate, automatic and instinctive responses to fear. Understanding them a little might help you make sense of your experiences and feelings.

What are the 5S in medical terms? ›

The 5S (Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize and Sustain) is aimed at bringing satisfaction of staff as well as the patients through improvement of working environment.

What drinks irritate the gallbladder? ›

Yes, research shows people who drink a lot of soda and other sugar-sweetened drinks also tend to have more gallbladder problems, including gallbladder cancer. Cutting sweet drinks could reduce symptoms as well as lower your risk for these problems.

What dissolves gallbladder stones fast? ›

Ursodiol is used to treat people with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC; formerly known as a primary biliary cirrhosis; an autoimmune liver disease). Ursodiol is in a class of medications called gallstone dissolution agents.

What foods should you avoid if you have gallstones? ›

Because cholesterol appears to play a role in the formation of gallstones, it's advisable to avoid eating too many foods with a high saturated fat content. Foods high in saturated fat include: meat pies. sausages and fatty cuts of meat.


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