How to Get the Power Module in Star Wars Outlaws (2024)

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  • How to Destroy Rocks in Star Wars Outlaws

  • How to Unlock the Power Module for Kay's Blaster

While playing Star Wars Outlaws, many players will be pleasantly surprised to find just how much care and detail went into creating the game world. Aside from the set pieces that Star Wars is known for, the developers at Massive also included some thoughtful metroidvania elements that provide a perfect reason to return to previously visited areas. One of the first of these elements to be revealed is the moss-covered rock walls.


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In Star Wars Outlaws, the destructible rock walls are found in multiple regions, and hide everything from simple crafting items, to important side-quest content. Aside from the fact that they exist and can be destroyed, SWO doesn't offer much information, especially early-on. This guide will explain how to destroy rock walls in Star Wars Outlaws, and exactly when this can be accomplished.

How to Destroy Rocks in Star Wars Outlaws

Special items in Star Wars Outlaws are generally received in one of two ways:

  • Abilities: Outlaws utilizes a unique ability system, which does not rely on the typical skill point/skill tree mechanic that has become ubiquitous across most modern action-adventure and actin-RPG games. Here, Kay must discover and unlock various Experts, all of which provide access to a special list of six abilities. Most of Kay's unique tools, like SWO's Electro-Shock Prod, are found this way.
  • Upgrades and Modules: Kay will also gradually gain access to a variety of upgrades to her equipment, most notably her Blaster. Kay's trusty sidearm has a variety of modules that, when unlocked, will not only make combat easier, but will usually include a function that affects exploration.

There are a few Tools that are found throughout the story, like the Fusioncutter and Holotracker. These will be unlocked automatically as you play through the main story.

The Power Module for Kay's Blaster

In this case, destroying the moss-covered rocks in Star Wars Outlaws is accomplished with a Blaster module. Specifically, it is the Power Module that allows Kay to shoot an explosive bolt. This is great for heavy enemies in combat, but its most important use for exploration is its ability to destroy rock walls.



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How to Unlock the Power Module for Kay's Blaster

How to Get the Power Module in Star Wars Outlaws (3)

First, it is important to note that this module is not found in any location, so it cannot simply be acquired by visiting the correct place. Instead, this module is given to Kay Vess by ND-5. This takes place after a specific story beat, as the Power module must be used in a quest that follows.

Complete the 'Safecracker' Mission:

To get in the position to unlock the Power Module, you'll need to head to Kijimi and begin the "Safecracker" questline. You'll find yourself embroiled in a political intrigue between the Queen of the Ashiga clan, and her daughter Krisk, who is allied with Crimson Dawn. In the middle of this situation, Kay arrives to recruit Ank, the Safecracker Jaylen recommended.

Completing the first mission in the questline will result in Kay having to make a tough decision: stay and help Ank, or, look for a different safe cracker. This sets up the mission 'Breakout,' which is where you'll need to get to in order to get the Power Module. After 'Safecracker,' ND-5 will call Kay, asking her to return to the ship. This begins the small quest "Gunsmith."

Visit ND-5 on the Trailblazer:

How to Get the Power Module in Star Wars Outlaws (4)

When you return to the ship, ND-5 will engage with Kay, giving her the Power Capacitor, the item to unlock the new Power module for her blaster. Using the workbench will reveal that you've unlocked the Power module's first function, Bolt. Complete this section to complete "Gunsmith."

With the Power module installed, you can now return to all those moss-covered rocks on Toshara, destroy them, and see what's waiting for you.

  • To use the Power Module, hold down Y/Triangle instead of tapping it. You'll engage the Bolt function (or whichever function you have installed). Simply aim and shoot the mossy rock walls and boulders.
How to Get the Power Module in Star Wars Outlaws (5)
Star Wars Outlaws




How to Get the Power Module in Star Wars Outlaws (9) OpenCritic
Top Critic Rating:77/100 Critics Recommend:69%
Star Wars
PC , PlayStation 5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S

August 30, 2024
Massive Entertainment
Ubisoft , Lucasfilm Games


T For Teen // Violence, Simulated Gambling, Mild Language
How to Get the Power Module in Star Wars Outlaws (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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