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09 Nov, 2022, 06:00 ET

Artificial Intelligence technology integrated into existing investment processes providing timely, unbiased asset allocation insights

NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Momentum Global Investment Management (MGIM) has appointed MDOTM Ltd., the global provider of AI-driven investment solutions, as a strategic partner to help it develop AI-driven investment insights and triggers that can be integrated into and enhance MGIM's well established outcomes-based investment process.

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The focus of the partnership will be to develop AI-enabled multi-asset investment insights, built around MGIM's outcomes-based investment philosophy, to assist and support portfolio manager decisions. The partnership will be developed as a strong collaboration between the expertise of the investment team at MGIM and the AI specialists of MDOTM Ltd, made up of physicists, data scientists and engineers as well as finance professionals.

The AI technology will provide asset allocation insights by analysing millions of data points and identifying new, differentiated information. By being incorporated in the existing investment process, it will help to compensate for natural human biases without losing the human expertise and touch that cannot be replicated by algorithms alone. AI has the ability to analyse and provide highly adaptive forecasts on asset classes' risks and returns, considering a multitude of variables in the environment, to a much larger extent than traditional human analysis can. MGIM believes that AI-enabled insights will support portfolio managers in building more resilient portfolios. MGIM will leverage MDOTM Ltd's predictive indicators to enhance the strategic and tactical asset allocation choices across its portfolio range and adapt them to potential shifts in market conditions.

Ferdi van Heerden, CEO of MGIM said:
"The strategic partnership with MDOTM Ltd is a key step forward for MGIM on our digitalisation journey. The MDOTM and MGIM teams have aligned well, setting out to explore and challenge the status quo. With MDOTM Ltd's experience and reputation in AI, we expect this partnership to further strengthen our investment process. This should help our portfolio managers to navigate an increasingly uncertain and volatile world more confidently, further assisting them in their asset allocation decisions. By integrating AI technology into our processes and decision-making, it will allow us to gain additional unbiased insights that will complement our existing tools and processes."

Tommaso Migliore, CEO and Co-founder of MDOTM Ltd, commented:
"MDOTM Ltd is excited about our partnership with MGIM. With our investment AI expertise and MGIM's global multi-asset investment expertise, we will be able to provide AI-enabled inputs and insights that will enhance investment outcomes for clients. We are proud to be associated with MGIM and look forward to collectively developing AI investment capabilities with them to support and complement their investment teams and global asset allocation decisions."

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About MGIM
MGIM was established in the UK in 1998 and provides specialist investment management services to institutional clients, financial intermediaries and their clients in the UK and Europe, Asia, Middle East, South America, and South Africa.

MGIM has over £4.5 billion in assets under management and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited, a large South African insurance and investment business, listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

MGIM Limited (Company Registration No. 3733094) has its registered office at The Rex Building, 62 Queen Street, London EC4R 1EB

MGIM Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA in the UK, and is exempt from the requirements of section 7(1) of the FAIS 37 of 2002 in South Africa, in terms of the FSCA FAIS Notice 141 of 2021 (published 15 December 2021)

Momentum Global Investment Management
Shelly Durrant / Eva Rana
SEC Newgate UK

MDOTM Ltd | Media & Communications
Roberto Nido




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As an expert in artificial intelligence (AI) and investment technology, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. With a background in both AI and finance, I've been at the forefront of developments in the field, staying abreast of the latest trends, technologies, and applications. My expertise extends to the integration of AI into investment processes, and I've closely followed the evolution of AI-driven investment solutions.

Now, let's dive into the concepts presented in the article:

  1. Momentum Global Investment Management (MGIM): MGIM is a UK-based investment management firm established in 1998. They provide specialized investment management services to institutional clients, financial intermediaries, and clients in various regions, including the UK, Europe, Asia, Middle East, South America, and South Africa. MGIM manages over £4.5 billion in assets and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited, a large South African insurance and investment business listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

  2. MDOTM Ltd.: MDOTM Ltd. is a global provider of AI-driven investment solutions. The company has been appointed as a strategic partner by MGIM to develop AI-driven investment insights and triggers. MDOTM's expertise lies in leveraging AI technology, and its team comprises physicists, data scientists, engineers, and finance professionals.

  3. AI-Driven Investment Insights: The collaboration between MGIM and MDOTM aims to develop AI-enabled multi-asset investment insights. These insights are designed to align with MGIM's outcomes-based investment philosophy and assist portfolio managers in making informed decisions. The AI technology will analyze millions of data points to identify new and differentiated information for asset allocation.

  4. Partnership Goals: The partnership seeks to leverage the expertise of MGIM's investment team and MDOTM's AI specialists to enhance the investment process. The goal is to integrate AI technology into existing processes without losing the human expertise, compensating for natural human biases, and providing additional unbiased insights to support portfolio managers.

  5. AI Capabilities: MDOTM's AI capabilities involve analyzing vast amounts of data to provide adaptive forecasts on asset classes' risks and returns. The technology considers a multitude of variables in the environment, offering a more extensive analysis than traditional human methods. The aim is to help MGIM build more resilient portfolios by using predictive indicators to enhance strategic and tactical asset allocation choices.

  6. CEO Statements: Ferdi van Heerden, CEO of MGIM, emphasizes the strategic importance of the partnership, highlighting the potential for AI to strengthen MGIM's investment process. Tommaso Migliore, CEO and Co-founder of MDOTM Ltd., expresses excitement about the partnership, emphasizing the synergy between MDOTM's AI expertise and MGIM's global multi-asset investment knowledge.

In conclusion, this collaboration between MGIM and MDOTM signifies the integration of cutting-edge AI technology into traditional investment processes, aiming to enhance decision-making and portfolio resilience in an increasingly uncertain and volatile market.



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