[SPOILERS] Quest choices, full list, all factions (2024)

Daggerfall Covenant

Stros M'Kai (1-4)

Quest: Like Moths to a Candle (Thanks @ShinChuck )
Context: At the end of the quest, Lerisa has sneaked into Captain Helane's cabin, posing as her abused cabin girl, and poisoned Helane with the captain's own poison, a particularly brutal concoction that will eat her from the inside out, leading to a slow, painful, gruesome death. Helane stumbles, falls to the floor, and begins writhing as her eyes go blank.

1: Give Helane the Antidote.
2: Leave (Let Helane Die)

1.Short-term Effect: Upon leaving the room, that step of the quest will complete, displaying "Completed: Leave (Let Helane Die)". At this point, you can't go back into the room to administer the antidote (or watch Helane die). Lerisa will be pleased, telling you that the people sailing the waters will be glad to hear Helane's dead.

2. Short-term Effect: After giving Helane the antidote, interacting with her states <Her struggles ease as the antidote quickly takes effect. She will likely live.> followed by <Captain Helane is unconscious but still breathing.> Crafty Lerisa will berate you, warning you she'll shipwreck and kill again, but that at least Helane won't mess with Lerisa again.

Longterm Effects: Unknown

Quest: Moment of Truth (Thanks @Runefell )
Dugroth was sent by his mother to prove his courage. He'd like me to help him.

1. Tell him to man up.
2. Tell him to follow his passion, blacksmithing

1.He says he thinks he's learned a lot from you and will try to be brave. He hopes to see you again if he survives.
2. He'll wholeheartedly agree. Later, in Port Hunding, one can find him happily working away.

Betnikh (4-5)

Quest: Tormented Souls (Thanks @ShinChuck & @Blue_Warpstar )
Context: After obtaining the ancient orc war horn, the ghost of Warchief Targoth asks you to put it in it's rightful place at his tomb in order to release the spirits of the orcs who are chained to the place.

Choice 1: Place the War Horn on Targoth's Tomb.
Choice 2: Leave with the Horn

1. Short-term Effect: Targoth thanks you, and the orc spirits can finally rest.
2. Short-term Effect: Once outside you talk to Azlakha, who notices the souls seem less tormented, and she asks you what you did. You reply stating that you've recovered a horn you can use to control the spirits to fight the cult. She replies saying the thought sickens her, but that they may be needed. Then she says she will deliver the horn to Chief Tazgol, and he can decide to use it or not. Same rewards as option #1.

1. Longterm Effects: Unknown.
2. Long-term Effect: Souls continue to wander the ruins, but now they are no longer hostile.

Quest: Daughter of Seamount (Thanks @ShinChuck & @club_restoration)

Context: Lokra is an orc who wants to adventure, but is being pushed into an arranged marriage with the war chief from another clan. After talking to the appropriate people, you'll be tasked with going back to Lokra and advising her on a course of action.

Choice 1: "Your marriage is vital to your clan. There is honor in doing your duty."
Choice 2: "Your life is your own. Sail with us and see the world, if that's what you want."

1. Lokra will be thrilled and reward you. Not sure about long term effects.
2. Lokra is thrilled, and decides to join Captain Kaleen's crew. She promises to first tell her family, rather than just slip away in the night.

Longterm Effects:
1. ????
2. hen choosing this, immediate effects will be that Lokra is equally happy with this choice and rewards you with something. Surprisingly enough I think she showed up later on (can't remember exactly where, in a later zone anyway - Rivenspire or Alik'r). I thought she was stuck with the tribe, but apparently not... (Atarax: I can confirm she does show up repeatedly later)

Carzog's Demise (Thanks @Shinchuck & @Aeradon)

Context: After obtaining the relic, Kaleen's ship splits into two factions. Kaleen's group wants to keep the relic, believing it can protect the Daggerfall Covenant. Lambur's party believes that it's too dangerous, having killed and enslaved the souls of numerous orcs and raised Orsinium in the past. Both groups offer compelling arguments.

Choice 1: Keep the relic.
Choice 2: Banish the relic into the spirit realm.

1. Short-term Effect: Jakarn's group (w/ Lerissa and Neramo? couldn't remember) hates you for being so naive that you kept a the time bomb. Tazgul feels that it's a wrong decision but considering you helped Betnikh, he hopes he's judgement is wrong and joins the Covenant.
2. Short-term Effect: Kaleen's group is furious with you, and Kaleen removes you from her crew. Lambur's people are relieved. Chief Tazgul is thrilled, and agrees to join the Covenant. Tazgul orders Kaleen to offer you passage to Daggerfall, while the crew will offer their opinions on the matter. Some are furious with you, some are furious with Kaleen, and others seem fairly apathetic, many going their own ways.

Longterm Effects:
1. Long term effects, these crew members will reappear in the game, their dialogues may differ but ultimately still provide you the quests. (e.g. I destroyed the relic and met Kaleen's group in Shornhelm, they expressed anger but still needed the Vestige's help in freeing Kaleen)
2. ???

Quest: Unearthing the Past (thanks @Runefell )
You've entered King King Renwic's vision. These choices aren't game altering (as far as this one knows), but you only get one chance at each prisoner. If you choose the wrong one, they won't talk any more, and you'll have to kill them and interrogate their spirit. Here's the answers for those that wish to avoid such bloodshed.

Queen Nurese

Tell me what magic your husband has planned, or you die- She refuses to talk
Are there any Breton Knights unaccounted for?- She refuses to talk.
Tell me what magic your husband has planned or your daughter dies- She talks

Drago Auberdine

Tell me how to get to the King- Refuses to talk
Tell me what magic the king plans- Brags about the plan
What were the Kings last orders?- Refuses to talk

Frederique Lynielle

Tell me how to reach the king, or more will die- Refuses to talk
If you really want to end this, tell me- Confesses the plan
Tell me who can open the door, and I won't hurt you- Refuses to talk

Princess Visanne

Your father can't control what he is about to summon, help me stop him- Refuses
Tell me about the spell, or I will hurt you- Refuses
Tell me how to open the doors, or I will kill your mum- Confesses

Note that you only need to uncover two truths.

Glenumbra (3-15)

Quest: Legacy of Baelborne Rock (thanks @ShinChuck & @Aeradon )

Context: Athel Baelborne has inhereted some land, but it is cursed by the former lover of his father. His grandmother didn't want his father with a servant girl, Claudie. His father lied about their relationship, and so the servant girl and their unborn child were locked away to die in a tower, and the servant girl cursed both the family and the property with misfortune.
Claudie made a pact with a daedra to curse the Baelborne family and to "save" their son, the son being saved by being made a slave to the daedra.

1. Break the Curse
2. Tell the Baelborne to leave

1. Short-term Effects: After defeating the daedra, Claudie's spirit will lament her son's fate. However, upon reaching the towel, you'll find her son freed of the daedra and optimistic about the future. Athel meanwhile pledges to turn over a new leaf for the Baelbornes and not be a brutal coward like his ancestors, starting by sparing Claudie's son rather than tie up that loose end.
2. Athel effectively threatens your life ("the guards will kill anyone who gets in their way, mother says so"). Athel runs off, and the guards attack, you kill them, then talk to the ghost, only to find that Athel ran off a cliff and died. The Ghost praises you, says you did the right thing, and that she hopes her child grew up with the same virtues."

Quest: The Dagger's Edge (thanks @Kiralya & @Sumevala )
1. Tell him to reveal the trechery.
2. Tell him the gold is needed.

1. You confront Lord Diel and kill him, and everyone is happy (except the lord). The orc gives you a bag of gems (that he stole from camp) and tells you not to say where they're from. You hand the gems over, and can either say you found them on Lord Diel, or that they were stolen from camp. If you lie, the Daggers stay together.
2. Karma happens to Diel. Also, Bumnog has already figured things out and secretly "secured a payment" from Diel earlier. He now asks you to deliver it to Gelvin, saying you found it on Diel. Now you have two options: do as Bumnog asked (you get 228 gold and Dagger's Combat Stompers, lvl 8 medium shoes, and the team's happy) or rattle on him (no idea whether this affects your reward).

Quest A Mysterious Curio (Thanks @ShinChuck & @Kiralya )

Context: An Ayleid spirit has been trapped for years after opposing the Alessians. Upon freeing him, you're given two options.

Choice 1: "You should pass on to Aetherius. The time of the Ayleids is over."
Choice 2: "Seeing how the world has changed might interest you."

1. Short-term Effects: "You have shown me that I am as much a relic as the objects in this vault. A thing of the past. Adrift. It is time to go. I shall find Aetherius. And, at long last, peace."
2. Short-term Effects: The Ayleid Ghost says truer words have never been spoke and thanks you for setting him free, but warns you that "not everything you meet in ancient catacombs shall be as cordial as I" and awards you with 116 gold.

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

Quest: The Jeweled Crown of Anton (Thanks @Runefell & @Aeradon )

Context: The Jeweled Crown of Anton A Daggerfall noble named Lady Laurent seems to be some kind of treasure hunter. Shes exploring the Tomb of Lost Kings to find something to add to her collection. Stibbons, Lady Laurents servant, is concerned that her ladyship hasnt returned from the tomb yet. He asked me to look for her.

1. Take the Jeweled, uncursed crown
2. Take the Cursed Crown

1. Stibbons will pick it up and glumly carry it to the tent. When nothing bad happens to him, the Forgotten Seneschal will realize what you did, and cry out that you betrayed him and disappear.
2. Stibbons will pick up the crown to take it into the tent. As it is cursed, he will die, and his ghost will appear, and glumly remark on that fact, though not terribly alarmed or upset. He will then ponder the mysterious pull the tomb seems to have, and go into it. The Forgotten Seneschal will cheer at the fact that he is free, but then starts to wonder what he will do now. He then unhappily realizes that serving is the only thing he knows how to do, and goes into Stibbon's body. Lady Laurent, not realizing what had happened, chides him for 'fooling around', and the Forgotten Seneschal, now assuming Stibbon's identity, glumly carries the crown into the tent.

Long-term Effect:
1. Stibbons will have many adventures to come.
2. Replacing Stibbons with the spirit will unlock future dialogue options where Stibbons will tell you that "you know who I really am". This option does not affect Coldharbor however. I suspect such options lasts for 1-2 sequels of the quest, and the next choice would affect the latter.

Quest: Memento Mori
Context: You have to choose the fate of Westtry

Choice 1: Use the sword to slay the angry spirits.
Choice 2: Use the gem to free the innocent spirits.

1. Short-term Effect: The town is made safe (skeletons and wraiths no longer attack), and Leon states he hopes that Roslind will speak to him again in time.
2. Short-term Effect: The skeletons remain, and Westtry is unsafe for settlers, but the spirits of the innocent villagers are free.

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

Quest: Cutting off the Source
Context: Save Tamien's father, or stop the Bloodthorn cultists

Choice 1: You're on your own, I'm going after the Bloodthorns.
Choice 2: I'll help you save your father.

1. Short-term Effect: You burn the boats, rescue some villagers, then get congratulated for a job well done, only Tamien's father dies. The Dame says she and her guards will kill the remaining cultists and zombies.
2. Short-term Effect: You save dad, but get scolded for letting the bloodthorn cultists get away. The Dame says she and her guards will kill the remaining cultists and zombies.

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

Quest: Lineage of Tooth and Claw
Context: You have to choose to save Gloria or the Duke

Choice 1: Kill Gloria for her blood in hopes you can save the Duke
Choice 2: Tell Gloria you won't kill her

1. ????
2. When you get back to town, the Duke looks ill. You have the choice of letting him say goodbye to his family (which results in them getting killed) or capturing him immediately.

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

Quest: A Step Through Time

Choice 1: Tell King Laloriaran Dynar you don't know what he means.
Choice 2: Tell King Laloriaran Dynar he's right, you don't belong.

1. He seems skeptical and promises to bring it up again.
2. He appreciates your honesty.

Longterm Effects:
1. When you see him much later in the game, he remembers your conversation.
2. ???

Quest: The Nameless Soldier

Choice 1: "Take the soldiers and kill Faolchu. I'll rescue Alana."
Choice 2: "I'll kill Faolchu. Go rescue Alana."

1. You save Alana, but all the soldiers die. You then continue on to kill Faolchu. Note, you change history by doing this, and meet Alana's child when you return to the present.
2. ????

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

Quest: Lineage of Tooth and Claw (Thanks @Maialun )
Context: You have to choose to save Gloria or the Duke

Choice 1: Kill Gloria for her blood in hopes you can save the Duke
Choice 2: Tell Gloria you won't kill her

1. You save the Duke and he sends you on another quest to "The Glenumbra Moors"
2. When you get back to town, the Duke looks ill. You have the choice of letting him say goodbye to his family (which results in them getting killed) or capturing him immediately.

Long term Effects: Unknown.

Stormhaven (16-23)

Quest: Revenge Against Rama (Thanks @ShinChuck & @Runefell )
Context: Rama provoked the goblins into attacking, which resulted in numerous deaths when they took over the city, and then fled when it came time for justice. It's hinted by a nearby book that he may have obtained a Daedric sword that corrupted his mind. His cousin gives you two options, the second one involving taking the fake sword and lying to Watch Captain Ernard about having killed Rama.

Choice 1: Confront Rama.
Choice 2: Collect Rama's sword.

1. Short-term Effects: You will have to fight and defeat Rama. His cousin says he'll miss Rama, and Watch Captain Ernard will express sadness that it had to come down to that. There's a lorebook in the cave after you kill Rama, if you so choose that path like Runefell did, that mentions the ebony blade and how it twists your desires. This one is now wondering if the sword caused him to go mad. Runefell wishes she had seen that this quest was already half explored, as she would've picked the other half.
2. Short-term Effects: Captain accepts the sword and expresses regret that it had to come to this.

Longterm Effects: Unknown.

Quest: Sir Hughs Fate (thanks @Runefell )
After murdering duch*ess Lakana, Sir Hughes fled to Firebrand Keep. I've come to confront him and if necessary, bring him to justice for his crimes. Sir Hughes has fallen into a deep sleep in the infirmary beneath Firebrand Keeps Great Hall. I need to go down and speak with the healer, Odette, about Sir Hughes condition.

1. Let him live
2. He should pay for his crimes

1. The Duke agrees that there has been enough bloodshed, and agrees to let Hughes go. Instead, he strips him of his job and titles, and banishes him from the town. Hughes is completely broken and horrified by what he has done, and says it would've been better if you had killed him. The healer and other knight think that you made the right choice. The Redguards say that they will go back to their king, and hopefully everybody can just grieve for their loss, and put the whole thing behind them.
2. ???

Long term effects:
1. Her sister, Queen Maraya, comments that if the murder had happened in her homeland, the murderer would be dead already. But, as he was not in his right mind at the time, she wonders if this was more civilized, and it gives her something to think about.

At the end of the Stormhaven quest area, while in the throne room with the king and several high ranking members of the court, the Duke will be there, and mention that he's glad you chose to save Sir Hughs, who is currently doing penance at an Abbey.

Also, as a side note, when trying to get into the library, if you take the longer route and let Sir Gregory know that his wife is cheating on him so you you can get past him, he'll show up in the tavern in wayrest, having left his wife. He's pretty mad at her, but has a good job now and thanks you for revealing the truth to him.

Quest: One Last Game (Thanks @Runefell )

In the Wayrest graveyard, I found the last Will and Testament of a scholar named Frodibert Fontbonne. Frodibert challenged his son Donel to solve a riddle to claim his inheritance. Donel gave up, but maybe I can solve the riddle.

1. Keep the Inheritance
2. Find the rightful owner

1. ????
2. You go to a guard, and find that Donel is out on the battlefields. The guard promises to get the inheritance to him, is impressed by your honesty and wit, and gives you a bit of gold.

Long term effect unknown.

The Sower Reaps (thanks @Runefell )
Decide Baron Sorick's fate, after he planted the eggs to exterminate the dreaughsiders.

1. Take the money and say nothing
2. Refuse the money and state that you're going to expose him
3. (Intimidate) Threaten him into making things right

1. ??? This one assumes you get money, and he remains unpunished.
2. He runs out of the building claiming "you'll never catch me fool" but you go outside, and he's on the ground with a broken leg. You speak to the constable, and you can either let the crowd lynch the Baron, or state that he was responsible for the draugh, and that he should be taken into custody. The latter choice results in the constable arresting him and saying the Baron will pay for his crimes.
3. He admits that you're pretty tough looking, and agrees reluctantly to compensate the villagers for this 'minor inconvenience', then declares he's leaving this mudpit, the king will have to find somebody else to rule this pigpen. You get 185 gold and Lord Sorick's Pauldrons

Quest: The Gate to Quagmire (Thanks @Runefell )

The Supernal Dreamers performed a ritual on Muzgu that infused a Daedric spirit into his body. Hes contained it for now, but its gaining strength. If the spirit takes control of him, it will combine its powerful magic with his own. Many will die. Muzgu asked me to kill him. He thinks thats the only way to prevent the Daedric spirit from being unleashed. Maybe theres a way to save him, but the longer we delay, the greater the risk of the spirit taking over.

1. Kill him
2. Try to find another way

1. ??? This one assumes you kill him. Since you ask how you should do so, Runefell is assuming it's going to be in some convoluted fashion.
2. He'll direct you to take a scroll, which allows you to take control of a sleeping cultist. You then lead the somewhat confused cultist back to Muzgu, where he expels the Daedric Spirit into the trapped cultist, killing the chap. You then have to step into a portal and kill the Daedric Spirit. When you come back out, Muzgu congratulates you on your victory, and thanks you for saving his life.

Quest: King Aphrens Sword (Thanks @Runefell & @sagesourceb16_ESO )

The mage Blaise Pamarc asked me to recover the artifact, King Aphrens Sword, from the ruins. Theres just one problem: the spirits have awakened and block my path. I must find and recover the three pieces of the sword.

1. Give the sword to Princess Mira
2. The King doesn't deserve forgiveness/ take the sword back to the mage.

1. Mira realizes her father is sincere, and goes up to him. They have a touching reunion, the sword is broken forever, and they find peace. Amusingly enough, if you're a sorcerer and you have summoned creatures, they will both parrot the 'I forgive you... father' line in the chatbox, if you have NPC chat enabled.
2. If you tell the king that the sword is yours now and that you have promised it to the mage, he will be horrified but will admit there is nothing he can do about it and that he might not deserve any consideration in any case. He reforges the sword and gives it to you, pleading that you at least consider visiting his daughter's tomb before you go. If you leave then and offer the sword to the mage, the mage speaks with a good deal of contempt about the King's repentance, and says he does not deserve anything (this mage, to be frank, is an arrogant jerk). At this point, you have one last chance to tell the mage that you are going to return the sword to the daughter's tomb. If you persist in giving it to him, he rewards you with the ring King Aphren's Seal and 196 gold (I was level 23), and remarks that you'll probably never meet again.

Rivenspire (24-30)

Quest: Under Siege (Thanks @ShinChuck & @Sylenne )
Context: At the end of the quest, your companion Heloise is clearly turning into a vampire, having already killed some innocent people without knowing it. She begs for you to spare her.

Choice 1: "No, I can't let you go. You have to die."
Choice 2: "All right. I'll let you go."

1. Short-term Effect: Heloise will agree that it's the safest way and ingest poison, instantly killing herself.
2. Short-term Effect: Heloise will promise to control herself and live in the wilderness off animals. She hops up and runs off before disappearing.

Longterm Effects: If you spare Heloise, she can later be found in Count Verandis Ravenwatch 's castle, where she claims he's helped rehabilitate her. After you finish The Lightless Remnant, you'll meet up with Heloise in Shornhelm Castle, talking to Lt. Fairfax. She says Verandis was helping her, and is sad that he's gone.

Quest: Rusty Daggers
Context: The Daggers (who you may recall from Glenumbra as the harpy hunters), are back at it as hired guns hunting harpies again. They've been hired by a local tribe to address a Harpy Infestation. You have to aid them in getting the harpy situation under control.

Choice 1: "To tell the truth, I helped them a lot."
Choice 2: "[Lie]. This was part of their plan all along."

1. She refuses to pay the Daggers and runs them out of the area.
2. She rewards the Daggers and says their praises will be sung far and wide.

Longterm Effects:
1. I do not recall seeing another Dagger's-related quest after this
2. ???

Quest: The Blood-Splattered Shield (Thanks @ShinChuck )
Context: Captain Janeve, the Countess's sister, was bitten by a vampire and will turn into one. She begs to be spared.

Choice 1: "I agree with the Countess. We can't take the chance. You have to die."
Choice 2: "I agree with the Captain. You deserve a chance to prove yourself. We should let you live."

1. ???
2. Short-term Effect: The Countess berates you, saying that she might not be able to accept "this vampire" as Janeve, but agrees to spare her for now.

Longterm Effects:
1. ???
2. Janeve shows up at Ravenwatch Castle later on

Quest: A Change of Heart (Thanks @Runefell & @Sylenne & @Melilotta @knifeinthedark @Ilsabet )
1. Tell Fredrick to go and Dulkhi to stay
2. Tell Dulkhi to go and Fredrick to stay
3. Tell both of them to go
4. Tell both of them to stay


The reward doesn't seem to change with the choices.
1: Immediate consequence: Federik tells Arlie he feels compelled to go off and learn how to fight so he can defend her, but promises to eventually return. Dulkhi is excited to have a chance with Arlie, and Arlie decides she's not willing to wait around for Federik, so she'll try a relationship with Dulkhi.
2: If you tell Dulkhi to go and Federic to stay, you do not see Dulkhi at the Shornhelm castle after the fight at the Doomcrag. You do however, encounter Federic with Arlie. Arlie has a wandering eye for women, and makes it very clear she intends to pursue a fling with Countess Tamrith, commenting on her looks several times. When asking Federic if Arlie is happy, he says after all the work that had to be done to make it work, "she damn well better be."
3: They both leave to find their fortunes, and Arlie is left alone. She decides to see if she can't join the mage's guild. Later, at the end of the Rivenspire questline, she can be found in the castle, bemoaning her loneliness.
4: They both come out and start demanding that Arlie choose one of them. Arlie starts stuttering and panicking, but then they laugh and tell her they were only joking, that she doesn't have to choose between them. At least, not right away. Arlie is relieved and very happy to have everybody she loves around her. At the end of the Rivenspire questline, all three of them can be found in the castle. Arlie still hasn't made up her mind, as she is enjoying the attention she gets from both of them and is starting to get something of an inflated ego. Fredrick is getting frustrated, and Dulkhi's eyes are starting to wander (I'm a female and she hit on me, not sure if she does with males as well), though she claims she's still interested in Arlie.

Long-term effect:
1. Longer term, after The Lightless Remnant, you'll meet Dulkhi and Arlie in Shornhelm Castle, both very happy and in love. (Though Arlie says Dulkhi needs to bathe more often, and that she's "molding her into the perfect lover.") Also, "I met Federik in Shornhelm Castle, he seemed quite happy with his life and said he wasn't so sure anymore he really liked Arlie."
2. ???
3. If you got to the 3rd choice tree, and chose option 2 (That's the option where you tell Julien to go for Khalisah instead of Guendeline.) After the Lightless Remnant, you can talk to Julien in Shornhelm Castle, and he's happy with Khalisah, saying, "Now that's the woman of my dreams!"

Quest: A Spy in Shornhelm (Thanks @Runefell )
1. Promise Edouard Celd's wife that you'll let him off the hook
2. Turn Edouard Celd in to the authorities


1. Edouard Celd's wife promises that she'll keep him far away from any criminal activity in the future. Adusa-daro is surprised that you couldn't find the spy's identity, but is content with the codebook.
2. Edouard Celd is apparently arrested and tortured for information, and is sentenced to be hanged.

Quest: The Crown of Shornholm (Thanks @Runefell )
1. Make Tamrith Queen
2. Make Dorell King


1. Countess Tamrith becomes queen.
2. Count Dorell becomes King.

Honestly, that's it. I don't think there's any long-term effects. Just a matter personal preference. Do you want a kind, just, inexperienced and deeply religious ruler, or a cold, calculating, experienced military ruler for this country.

Quest: The Lovers (Thanks @Sylenne & @ZheinLevin )
Context: You are helping recruit Shornhelm guards. Your task is to help one of the prospective soldiers win the heart of the woman he loves.

Choice 1: "Give her flowers."
Choice 2: "Recite a poem."
Choice 3: "Give her jewelry."

1. ???
2. You have a choice of having her recite an orcish poem, to buy a book from a wandering poet, or to have him compose his own poem. I bought the book and she agreed to be married.
3. Triggers quest to get 3 stolen gems from Bitterhand Bandits, which you take to Khalisah to have jewelry made. This in turn can trigger even more choices because Khalisah is in love with Julien - see below.
Context: If you chose jewelry initially, after you have Khalisah make the necklace, you can choose to either tell Julien about Khalisah's feelings for him, or lie about it.

Options for 3:
Choice A: "[Lie] Yes. She's really happy for you and Guendeline.
Choice B: "Did you know that Khalisah has feelings for you?"

Results of 3 A & B:
A. ???
B. Julien is surprised to learn of Khalisah's feelings, and wonders if maybe he should give Khalisah a chance instead. This triggers yet another choice, advising him on whom to court! See below.
Context: If you chose to tell Julien about Khalisah being in love with him, you can then advise him on whether to go with Guendeline or Khalisah.

Note that both options in the first (non-red) dialog after you choose to tell him the truth lead to the same set of red choices below.

Options of 3 B:
Choice I: "Let's not complicate matters. I'll give the necklace to Guendeline."
Choice II: "I think you should give Khalisah a chance."
Choice III: "If you can't decide, maybe you need more time."

Results of 3 B:
I. Julien thinks its probably for the best and that he can always ask Khalisah if he gets turned down by Guendeline. Guendeline likes the necklace, thinks Julien must be rich and asks you to tell Julien she loves him and will wait for him. Julien agrees to enlist.
II. Julien asks you to give the necklace back to Khalisah. After a bit of back and forth between the two, he agrees to enlist.
III. ???

Quest: Crimes of the Past
Context: Bring King Ranser's spymaster to justice.

Choice 1: Bring Althen to the Ring of Daggers
Choice 2: Help Althen escape.

1. Marisette thanks you and says it's a good thing that you turned him in, or she'd have had to track you both down. She says you're a friend to the Daggers, and that she'll see you again. She then locks Althen into the stockades.
2. He thanks you, one of his subordinates shows up (indicating you were duped), and he disappears.

Quest: A Lucky Break (Thanks @Sylenne )
1. Nedras joined a gang of bandits, and died trying to rob someone.
2. Nedras joined a group of adventurers. You'll probably never see him again. [Lie.]

1. Gendinora is upset that Nedras died, and that he turned to thievery.
2. Gendinora is angry that Nedras "abandoned" her.

Both options lead to a second choice, whether to give her money or not, ostensibly from her brother.

1. I'm sorry.
2. I'm sorry. But he sent a bag of coins along with me. I hope this will help. [give 234gp]

1. ???
2. She's grateful to you for telling her about her brother, and feels confident that he loved her.

Quest: Last Words (Thanks @Sylenne )
1. Tell the truth about Klaandor's fate, and give her the journal and amulet.
2. Lie and say that Klaandor is still alive but sent her an amulet.

1. Vyctorelle gets angry that Klaandor became a vampire and is now dead, saying she plans to get drunk and then join the guard.
2. ???

Quest: Love Lost (Thanks @Sylenne )
1. Tell Giran the truth, that his wife left him.
2. Lie to Giran, telling him that a vampire killed her.

1.Giran is a bit bitter, but not surprised, he asks you to leave him alone.
2. He seems sad, and thanks you for telling him of her fate.

Quest: Dream-Walk Into Darkness (Thanks @WhiteCoatSyndrome & @TheWhiteDarkness )
[Intimidate] Vampires are evil! I must destroy you!

Nothing happens really. He talks you out of it anyway and the quest continues as normal.

Alik'r Desert (31-37)
Quest: Seize the Moment (Thanks @Runefell )
1. Tell the guard you spoke with IIdani
2. Ask the guard if he's the only one guarding the contraband.

1. The guard is eager to catch Ildani, and asks you if you'll help him set up a sting operation for the buyers. You'll take the contraband and deliver them for Ildani, so the guards can swoop in and catch them.
2. You tell him there's a suspicious khajiit downstairs. He thinks it may be the smuggler they're after, and runs off to catch her, leaving you with the now unguarded contraband to take at your pleasure. You'll then have to deliver the contraband for Iidani.

Quest: A marriage in ruins (Thanks @Runefell )
1. Side with Adeena
2. Side with Izzara

1. It turns out that Izzara was the one who was possessed, but unfortunately, as they're twins, the blood is still enough to complete the ritual. You have to fight a Spider Daedra named Anexiel, then afterwards you take Adeena back to her husband, where she yells at him for her sister's death, and he angsts over his foolishness.
2. Adeena dies, and the daedra Anexiel gloats over her deception, and how you just killed five innocents. She goes off to reclaim her body, and Izzara, weakened, begs you to go after her. You kill her, and take Izzara back to her brother-in-law, where she yells at him and threatens to kill if she ever sees him again.

Quest: Badwater Mines (Thanks @Runefell )
1. Help the ghost get revenge, don't tell Samsi about the curse on the gems
2. Revenge is wrong, warn Samsi about the curse.

1. Samsi is thrilled at the gems, and happily proclaims that at last her luck is turning around. Then she falls over and dies.
2. On the way out of mine you will be attacked by Haidar spirit. Samsi will deny any accusations though, but is clear she's guilty. Later you meet her in Kozanset, enchained.

Quest: Lady Laurent's Favor (Thanks @Runefell & @mra4nii )
1. Give the tools to Stibbons
2. Give the tools to Tamien

1. Stibbons is thrilled, and gets back in her Ladyship's good graces. Tamien isn't very impressed. (sorry, it's been a while since I've run this quest with my khajiit, so I can't remember the details.)
2. Tamien gives you half the cut of what he's getting paid. He also promises that if he meets you again, he'll pay back the favor.

Quest: Master of Leki's Blade (Thanks @Runefell)
1. Master Fadalia shouldn't die just because she's a vampire
2. Respect Master Fadalia's wishes, and let her atone with her death

1. Eh, sorry, this is another one where it's been a while. If I remember correctly, Master Fadalia isn't very happy about it, but abides by your decision. I do remember there being an Ash'abah on the wall, who was surprised that, as a fellow Ash'abah, you let her live, and hopes you haven't made a mistake.
2. Master Fadalia accepts her fate, and the curse is lifted off her as she dies. Her second in command takes over.

Quest: Crawling Chaos (Thanks @Runefell)
1. Let Seqbar take Shagora's place
2. Leave both of them to the Spider Daedra

1. Seqbar is willing to take his love's place. The Spider Daedra releases Shagora, who is left in a daze, and overtakes Seqbar instead. He cries out at first, but then relaxes and is left under her spell. Shagora runs outside, and when you meet up with her, she's quite confused. She has no memory of her encounter with the Daedra, and has completely forgotten who Seqbar is.
2. Both of them start talking to one another, they can't remember what happened to them, but they now seem to think they're at home. They're both trapped under the spider's influence, but unaware of the fact, and are happily together in paradise in the daedra's illusion.

Quest: Warship Designs (Thanks @Runefell & @Helluin )
1. Keep the designs, but let the spy go
2. Let the spy go with the designs
3. Kill the spy

1. You keep the designs, and the spy lets you know that the deaths of her and her children are on you hands before she runs off. She also mentions you might want to watch your back.
2. You keep two designs, the female Dunmer can't believe it, she thanks you and she keeps the one stolen. She also mentions that she will remember this, then she runs away.When you deliver the quest, the quest giver blames the workers because he knew there were spies around, so he thanks you.
3. Obviously, you kill the spy, and keep the designs safe.

Just for more informations, for the ones who don't know it, I add that House Telvanni didn't join EP: 26/11/2012 - Ask us anything - EP part 2 - TESO official site.

Quest: Past in Ruins (thanks @medusasfolly )
1. Take the sword to Sword-Swinger Navid
2. Take the sword to Hermenius Sophus

1. Navid objects at first, then acknowledges his responsibility and takes the sword back; you return to Hermenius and tell him you didn't find it, he says he's not surprised and rewards you anyway.
2. Hermenius Sophus thanks you in his obnoxius way, ignores all your suggestions, makes a comment about hearing something and then rewards you. Was kinda hoping to watch spirits ravage him, but no such luck.

Quest: Trouble at the Rain Cachers (Thanks @Sylenne )
1. Jahi owns rain catchers
2. Almur owns rain catchers

1. Jahi takes ownership and accepts her duty, and pledges to mend her family. The brother and wife will stay, but she says she's going to sell the johads.
2. Alnur takes ownership, and immediately decides to sell the johads and move everyone (both wife and sister) to the city, hoping to repair relations with his sister. Jahi seems happy about this, saying "It's best this way."

Quest: The Initiation (thanks @Ilsabet )
1. No, I will strike him down. It is my duty.
2. Your sacrifice will be remembered.

1. Haqmir becomes king, Samir is exiled.
2. Sameer becomes king, Haqmir is exiled and becomes the founder of the Ash'abah.

Quest: Gone Missing (Thanks @Sylenne & @Yunga)
1. No. I'm turning you in.
2. Yes. I will keep your secret.

1. Sulma says she'll turn herself in, but she's angry at you, saying "You've doomed Bergama."
2. Sulma accepts your choice, but tells you that The Withered hand is now going to wipe out Bergama.

Quest: Past Due (Thanks @Sylenne )
1. That's right. I've come to collect your debt.
2. I'm here to give you this note actually, the man you owed is dead.

1. ???
2. Joroh at-Nazdar is very relieved. Note that he gives you 133gp reward (non-vet) even though you forgave the debt!

Quest: The Real Snake (Thanks @Sylenne & @josh.lackey_ESO )
1. No. You must face justice.
2. Go. And never come back.

1. You must lead Fadeel to Constable Ebarah. She mentions there have been several people missing lately, but she naturally suspected harpies. Fadeel comments that whatever the constable does to him will be better than being eaten by a snake.
2. Fadeel is very grateful, and promises to never help feed man-eating snakes again. He runs off, leaving a last letter from Mirudda demanding "fresh meat" for her snake.

Quest: Imperial Incursion (Thanks @Sylenne )
1. You can go, but don't ever come back.
2. No. You betrayed the Covenant. You die.

1. Magnifico Korshad runs off without another word.
2. ???

Bangkorai (37-43)

Quest: Mistress of the Lake (Thanks @Runefell )
1. Side with the Daedra (Primeval Seekers)
2. Side with the Nereid (Rain Disciples)

1: Side with the Daedra: You'll help the Daedra stop the Nereid from creating a Water Stone from people's memories, first by creating a distraction (burning food crates), then you'll then go looking for the Nereid. She'll act innocent at first, then she'll reveal that she fused the memories into herself, and will now flood the temple, killing everybody inside including her disciples, as they've outlived their usefulness. You have to run all the freaking way back across the temple (water temples suck!), and, of course, kill her. Hermaeus Mora will appear, chat for a bit, and reward you.

2. Side with the Nereid: The Nereid thanks you and Bangkorai will remain lush as it is instead of wasting away into desert.

Quest: Will of the Woods (Thanks @Runefell & @bakkims )
1. Help Elara become the Sentinel, saving her life, but enslaving nature
2. Destroy the bud, ending the Sentinel line and freeing nature, but killing Elara.

1: Elara lives. She is awed by the power flowing through her, and vows to live in stay in the woods and tend it. She states that there won't be a lot of love lost between her and the wyrd, but there will be understanding.
2: After you make the choice, you go to Wyress Demara where she thanks you for making a tough choice and allowing the forest to grow to its full potential. Unfortunately, the Wyrd don't know what will happen to the forest now, but they look forward to seeing the rite of predator and prey restored. She then gives you the Sentinel's Longbow and a fair amount of gold.

Quest: Imperial Infiltration (Thanks @Selene & @Crazyworm & @Linet & @Sethren )
1. You're right. We'll lock you up. [Let the Duke Live]
2. Sorry. The penalty for treason is death. [Kill the Duke]
3. It's up to you, Your Majesty. [Let Queen Arzhela Decide]

1. Duke Renchant is arrested. Queen Arzhela says that you're right to let the Duke live, though she still wants him dead.
2. You kill Duke Renchant. Queen Arzhela states that, now that the problem has been dealt with, the real work can begin; and she asks you to meet her outside. Once there, she thanks you; admits that she should have put her personal feelings aside for the good of the kingdom; and admits that she should never have let Renchant rule.
3. The Queen kills the Duke herself and is glad that the matter has been dealt with. (She will kill him while saying that her son and husband died for the country so she wont let a traitor like him live)

Quest: Claim to Fame (Thanks @Selene & @Sethren )
1. It's Clan Morkul.
2. It's Clan Agluk.

1. You give Maaga the letter from Clan Morkul. Maaga states that Clan Morkul can add this to their list of achievements, and he says that their outlawry has put them at odds with the Covenant in the past, but he hints that maybe they'll become more endeared to the Daggerfall Covenant with this new information. He rewards you with a necklace and some gold, and he states he just wants to go home.
2. Maaga the historian is surprised, saying "They're all but extinct." and "This may be just the thing to bring them back." But he doesn't seem to care one way or the other.

Quest: Freedom's Chains (Thanks @Sylenne & @Sumevala )
1. Help Renoit break the spell and free Draven.
2. Help Arienne Kerbol save the town from turning.

1. You end up killing Arienne in werewolf form, and presumably other townsfolk as well (also in werewolf form), as the town is empty afterwards. Draven turns back into a wolf, but doesn't attack anyone. Renoit is happy, and says that they'll find a way to be together.
2. You find Draven and kill him, thus breaking the connection between him and the rest of the town. Renoit witnesses the fight, and runs off in tears. The main long-term difference between the choices is with Option 1 the town is emptied of inhabitants (as they all turn and must be dealt with), while Option 2 results in a town that continues to be full of NPCs.

Quest: The Charge of Evermore (Thanks @Sylenne )
1. Medya should stand trial for what she's done.
2. Medya should die.

1. You have the chance to change your mind and condemn her to death instead. If you continue to choose a trial, Theo agrees to take her back to Evermore, saying "Whatever her fate, as it comes through my decisions, she deserves to look me in the eyes as it happens."
2. ??? (Presumably, Squire Theo Rocque kills her.)

[SPOILERS] Quest choices, full list, all factions (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.